Presentation Tomorrow

Tomorrow I will be presenting the paper I submitted to the DGSS 2012 workshop. It’s a poster presentation, which will be a new thing for me. I’ve done plenty of slide presentations in all manner of venues, but I haven’t done a poster presentation. Luckily, I have a friend who owns a plotter and can print the poster for me; that’s saving me a bundle. Now all I need to do is tell a good story.

In the meantime, my advisor wants me to submit a paper to the 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining in Istanbul. It should be similar to the one I just submitted to the SRII Global Conference, so that will help get it started. I’m overdue getting him an outline, but that’s mostly a matter of typing; I already have it drafted. I guess I’d better get to work.

Another Paper Done

I’m mostly done with the paper I was working on for the Annual SRII Global Conference. Now I’m just waiting for comments from my advisor before I submit it. It had been due on February 29, but early on the 28th they announced the deadline was being extended by popular request. The new deadline is March 15. So for now, I’ve set the paper aside for a few days. I’ll review it again after it’s mellowed for a little while. I find it helpful to walk away from something for a little while and then re-read it after being away from it. I often find new things that I didn’t see earlier, and the end result is a better product.

Now I’m on the hunt for another publishing opportunity. One more in the bag (assuming the SRII paper gets accepted) and I should be in a position to put my dissertation together and start working on my defense. In the meantime, I’ve got to prepare my poster presentation for the DGSS workshop on April 1st.