And Now, Hypernyms

I lost Wednesday through Friday to a wonderful bug my daughter gave me. A going away present before she leaves for college, I guess. I appreciate the sentiment, but I’d rather get a nice card than a 103 degree fever. I expected to spend today building and testing my hyperym agent, but I lost most of the day to a leaky kitchen faucet. Considering I replaced the core of that faucet less than three months ago because it was leaking, I was not happy. I have developed a very healthy dislike of Moen faucets — I’ve replaced more of those cores over the past few years than I should have had to replace in 20 years. Replacing a core every year should not be necessary.

But I digress.

But at last I got back to work, and I’ve built a hypernym agent to add to my growing menagerie of parameter comparison agents. Whether it works as intended remains to be seen. But so far it’s at least running and not throwing any exceptions.

In case anyone is wondering a hypernym is a more general sense of a given word. For example, a hypernym of “car” is “vehicle.” I’m operating on the theory that some service parameters may have names that are relatively precise compared to names used by others that refer to the same concept. I guess I’ll find out how valid an assumption that is.